A leading business school with entrepreneurship & hospitality at its heart
César Ritz Colleges Switzerland is annually ranked as one of the world’s top hospitality management schools. It offers programmes based on the philosophy of the legendary hotel manager César Ritz, founder of the Ritz-Paris, known as one of the world’s first luxury hotels.
Hard work, finesse and a sense of style made César Ritz the “King of Hoteliers, Hotelier of Kings”. His tradition lives on through the school and that is what sets the foundation of this Swiss hotel school.
Students taking their Bachelor’s degree at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, start their studies in Le Bouveret (French part of Switzerland) and their final year in Brig (German part of Switzerland). By living and studying in different regions of Switzerland, students learn different aspects of what has become known as “Swiss Hospitality”.
Upon completion of studies, students receive two degrees, a Bachelor’s Degree from César Ritz Colleges Switzerland and a Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Business Management from Washington State University, the school’s partner.
Hospitality Business Management Programmes:
- Certificate in Wine Business Management
- Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management
- Master of Arts in Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurship